
Premium Flower Shake – Chunky


(4 customer reviews)

At Spacedout we strive to source high quality flower and with that comes some very good shake. Premium chunky shake is the collection of all A++ flower and up. Bottom of bag also comes with tiny chunky nuggets, so you’re more likely to get some in this trim.

Frosty, no filler leaves and most importantly… Virtually no stems! Get some while it last, this always runs out.

SKU: N/A Categories: , Product ID: 11686

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4 reviews for Premium Flower Shake – Chunky

  1. Joseph

    I’m telling you now…. No one has shake like SpacedOUT. Best flower, best shake. Some of this shake is better than most others flowers. This chunky stuff is amazing! Thank you guys 🏆

  2. JG123

    Love getting this to make pre rolls, incredible quality, and true shake with small nugs, no stemmy filler

  3. Ron

    This stuff is my favorite budget smoke it’s basically smalls the shake is so chunky! And the variety of colors and types you see proves your getting an amazing mix of terpes. Always killer thanks guys!

  4. Killer thc

    This stuff is just amazing! The quality is unlike any shake I’ve tried before it smokes better then most actual bud I get from dispensarys this stuff is so nice to just toss into a bowl of joint no prep needed and did I mention it smokes AMAZINGLY!

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